Waste to Value
Carbon negative and less expensive than fossil fuel alternatives

New energies fuels Synthetic Aviation fuel (SAF) and Synthetic Marine Diesel (SMD)

As the world moves away from fossil fuels, we need to replace them with sustainable and low-cost alternatives.  In hard to abate sectors like shipping and aviation, synthetic drop-in fuels provide a near-term alternative. 

These include:

  • Hydrogen
  • Ammonia
  • Methanol
  • DME - Dimethyl ether
  • SAF – synthetic aviation fuel or kerosene
  • SMD – synthetic marine diesel
  • Synthetic diesel

The Hydrogen Refinery Plasma Electrolysis System can either produce pure hydrogen directly or the syngas that is required to make methanol, SAF, SMD or synthetic diesels.

Either the hydrogen can be used directly or used to make ammonia.

Waste feedstocks

While feedstocks such as edible oils, sugars and plants can be used to make these fuels they are in practice in short supply and expensive. The use of waste as the feedstock enables much larger quantities of fuel at lower prices.

Regardless of which new energies fuel you prefer, the PES process can produce it from waste at a low-price.

This is because the starting point for us is waste, and we are paid to process.

Drop-in fuels

Drop-in fuels like SAF, SMD and synthetic diesel are designed to be used in an existing engine without any or only minor modifications.

These fuels are produced by the Hydrogen Refinery PES process at competitive prices to the existing fossil fuel alternatives, but may be cheaper because they do not attract the same level of taxation as regular fuels.

E-fuels that require engine modifications

Hydrogen, ammonia and methanol require changes to the engine or drive train.

The starting point for all is low-cost hydrogen.